1. Download pycharm (Clion, Intellij Idea)
2. Put it into the directory you want to install pycharm in, unzip it:
`tar -xvzf pycharm-professional-2019.x.tar.gz`
3. Create a 'desktop shortcut launcher':
(1) `apt install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel`
(The 'gnome-desktop-item-edit' command may be missing as it is not installed by default.)
(2) Create Desktop Launcher Dialog: `gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new`
Enter name, the path to the application binary executable and an optional comment. When ready, click on 'OK'.
(3) Double-click on the new shortcut to edit it:
Change `Icon= ...` and `Icon[en_US]=...` path to the desirable icon path, e.g., '.../pycharm-2019.x/bin/pycharm.png'.
(4) Right-click on the new shortcut and select "Allow Launching".
Double-click on the new shortcut to launch pycharm.
4. "File" --> "Setting" --> search "font" --> "Font" of "Editor" --> set font size '19'
Monday, August 5, 2019
Install "tensorflow-gpu 2.0.0-beta1" on ubuntu 19.04 (T470p)
1. Install nvidia driver
Open "Software & Updates" --> "Additional Drivers"
--> select "nvidia-driver-418 (proprietary, tested)" --> "Apply Changes"
2. Installed CUDA 10.0 on Ubuntu 19.04
(Note that the released binary 'tensorflow' doesn't support 'cuda 10.1/10.2' as of now, although you may try to compile 'tensorflow' from source against 'cuda 10.1/10.2'.
'cuda 10.0' is only compatable with Ubuntu 18.04, the method below is hacking.)
(1) Go to the CUDA download site. Click "Download Now"
Select "Linux" --> "x86_64" --> "Ubuntu"
--> "18.04" (although we have 19.04) --> "runfile (local)"
(2) Open a new terminal environment and login as root.
Stop the display manager: `service gdm3 stop`
To find out your display manager `pgrep -l dm`
(3) Run the CUDA installer with the override option:
`./cuda_10.0.130_410.48_linux --override`
Install the drivers, the toolkit and the samples.
(Note that the 'override' option will ignore the compiler version check. CUDA requires gcc version 6, but the installation goes fine with gcc version 8 too. The 'override' option allow us to proceed using a later version of the compiler. )
(4) Restart the desktop manager
`service gdm3 start`
and switch again to the desktop environment.
(5) Add the 'CUDA include directory and the CUDA library directory' to the ".bashrc" file.
If you installed CUDA under '/usr/local/cuda-10.0', edit ".bashrc" file, add:
`export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/bin"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64"`
(6) Go to the samples directory and compile them. (Optional)
Install gcc version 6: `apt-get install g++-6`
Compile the samples using g++ version 6 as the compiler:
`make HOST_COMPILER=g++-6`
3. Install 'TensorFlow-gpu 2.0 Beta' on 'miniconda'
(1) Create an environment which has Tensorflow-gpu:
`conda create -n your_env_name python=3.6 pip tensorflow-gpu`
(Now Anaconda is supporting install cudnn 7.6.0 with Tensorflow-gpu (1.1x) so we don’t have to manually copy cudnn to our environment anymore
??? see step (3) -- How to avoid it ??)
(Note that Python 3.7 is not compatible with 'tensorflow_text')
(2) Activate 'your_environment':
`conda activate your_env_name`
(3) Uninstall 'Tensorflow-gpu 1.1x'
`conda uninstall tensorflow-gpu`
(In fact, 'cudnn' is uninstalled together with 'Tensorflow-gpu 1.1x' !!)
(4) Install 'Tensorflow-gpu 2.0 Beta' with pip in your environment:
`pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1`
(5) Install other packages
`proxychains pip install IPython
proxychains pip install pathlib
proxychains pip install matplotlib
proxychains pip install seaborn
proxychains pip install tensorflow_datasets
proxychains pip install tensorflow_hub
proxychains pip install sklearn
proxychains pip install pandas
proxychains pip install tensorflow_text
proxychains pip install numpy
proxychains pip install pillow`
4. Manually copy "cudnn (libcudnn.so.7)" to the environment
(1) Download "cuDNN v7.6.2 (July 22, 2019), for CUDA 10.0"
(2) Unzip package
`tar xvzf cudnn-10.0-linux-x64-v7.6.2.24.tgz`
(3) Copy file to cuda directory
`cp -P cuda/include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda-10.0/include`
`cp -P cuda/lib64/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64`
`chmod a+r /usr/local/cuda-10.0/include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/libcudnn*`
5. Set Pycharm environment to the 'conda TensorFlow environment'
Note that Pycharm environment may be different from command line.
".bashrc" file is being read by bash (your command line interpreter) only.
To preserve bash environment for PyCharm. Run PyCharm from the command line (from bash). Thus environment variables will be inherited from bash to pycharm.
Just launch `./pycharm.sh` from command line.
Or create launcher which invokes bash for PyCharm launching.
6. How to solve the above problem that Pycharm environment doesn't inherit from bash if not launching it from terminal ?
Another way to permanently add new path in 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' is to edit ".conf" files in "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/".
Specifically, add
"/usr/local/cuda-10.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64"` 3 lines
to the "x86_64-linux-gnu.conf" file.
Just in the next line. Save.
Then run `ldconfig`
7. If GPU not found, try reinstalling 'tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1'
`pip uninstall tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1
pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1`
Open "Software & Updates" --> "Additional Drivers"
--> select "nvidia-driver-418 (proprietary, tested)" --> "Apply Changes"
2. Installed CUDA 10.0 on Ubuntu 19.04
(Note that the released binary 'tensorflow' doesn't support 'cuda 10.1/10.2' as of now, although you may try to compile 'tensorflow' from source against 'cuda 10.1/10.2'.
'cuda 10.0' is only compatable with Ubuntu 18.04, the method below is hacking.)
(1) Go to the CUDA download site. Click "Download Now"
Select "Linux" --> "x86_64" --> "Ubuntu"
--> "18.04" (although we have 19.04) --> "runfile (local)"
(2) Open a new terminal environment and login as root.
Stop the display manager: `service gdm3 stop`
To find out your display manager `pgrep -l dm`
(3) Run the CUDA installer with the override option:
`./cuda_10.0.130_410.48_linux --override`
Install the drivers, the toolkit and the samples.
(Note that the 'override' option will ignore the compiler version check. CUDA requires gcc version 6, but the installation goes fine with gcc version 8 too. The 'override' option allow us to proceed using a later version of the compiler. )
(4) Restart the desktop manager
`service gdm3 start`
and switch again to the desktop environment.
(5) Add the 'CUDA include directory and the CUDA library directory' to the ".bashrc" file.
If you installed CUDA under '/usr/local/cuda-10.0', edit ".bashrc" file, add:
`export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/bin"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64"`
(6) Go to the samples directory and compile them. (Optional)
Install gcc version 6: `apt-get install g++-6`
Compile the samples using g++ version 6 as the compiler:
`make HOST_COMPILER=g++-6`
3. Install 'TensorFlow-gpu 2.0 Beta' on 'miniconda'
(1) Create an environment which has Tensorflow-gpu:
`conda create -n your_env_name python=3.6 pip tensorflow-gpu`
(Now Anaconda is supporting install cudnn 7.6.0 with Tensorflow-gpu (1.1x) so we don’t have to manually copy cudnn to our environment anymore
??? see step (3) -- How to avoid it ??)
(Note that Python 3.7 is not compatible with 'tensorflow_text')
(2) Activate 'your_environment':
`conda activate your_env_name`
(3) Uninstall 'Tensorflow-gpu 1.1x'
`conda uninstall tensorflow-gpu`
(In fact, 'cudnn' is uninstalled together with 'Tensorflow-gpu 1.1x' !!)
(4) Install 'Tensorflow-gpu 2.0 Beta' with pip in your environment:
`pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1`
(5) Install other packages
`proxychains pip install IPython
proxychains pip install pathlib
proxychains pip install matplotlib
proxychains pip install seaborn
proxychains pip install tensorflow_datasets
proxychains pip install tensorflow_hub
proxychains pip install sklearn
proxychains pip install pandas
proxychains pip install tensorflow_text
proxychains pip install numpy
proxychains pip install pillow`
4. Manually copy "cudnn (libcudnn.so.7)" to the environment
(1) Download "cuDNN v7.6.2 (July 22, 2019), for CUDA 10.0"
(2) Unzip package
`tar xvzf cudnn-10.0-linux-x64-v7.6.2.24.tgz`
(3) Copy file to cuda directory
`cp -P cuda/include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda-10.0/include`
`cp -P cuda/lib64/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64`
`chmod a+r /usr/local/cuda-10.0/include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/libcudnn*`
5. Set Pycharm environment to the 'conda TensorFlow environment'
Note that Pycharm environment may be different from command line.
".bashrc" file is being read by bash (your command line interpreter) only.
To preserve bash environment for PyCharm. Run PyCharm from the command line (from bash). Thus environment variables will be inherited from bash to pycharm.
Just launch `./pycharm.sh` from command line.
Or create launcher which invokes bash for PyCharm launching.
6. How to solve the above problem that Pycharm environment doesn't inherit from bash if not launching it from terminal ?
Another way to permanently add new path in 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' is to edit ".conf" files in "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/".
Specifically, add
"/usr/local/cuda-10.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64"` 3 lines
to the "x86_64-linux-gnu.conf" file.
Just in the next line. Save.
Then run `ldconfig`
7. If GPU not found, try reinstalling 'tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1'
`pip uninstall tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1
pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-beta1`
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Reinstall ubuntu 19.04 dual boot on T470p - Setting (3)
1. Install 'Git'
`apt update`
`apt install git`
`git --version`
2. Check 'build-essential'
`apt install build-essential`
`gcc --version` , `g++ --version`, `make --version`
3. Install 'openjdk'
`apt install default-jdk `
`java --version`, `javac --version`
@reference_3_ digitalocean.com
4. Install 'pip3' and 'virtualenv'
`apt install python3-pip`
`pip3 -V`
`pip3 install virtualenv`
5. Install 'miniconda'
(1) download miniconda
(2) `chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh`
`bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh`
During the installation, choose the desired path to install.
(3) `source ~/.bashrc`
`conda -V`, `conda list`
(4) remove (base) from terminal prompt
check "auto_activate_base":
`conda config --show | grep auto_activate_base`
Set it false:
`conda config --set auto_activate_base False`
6. How to uninstall 'miniconda' ?
(1) In order to uninstall miniconda, simply remove the miniconda folder:
`rm -r ~/miniconda/`
(2) Manually remove contents related to conda in '~/.bashrc'
7. How to completely remove Thunderbird?
`apt-get purge thunderbird* `
`apt update`
`apt install git`
`git --version`
2. Check 'build-essential'
`apt install build-essential`
`gcc --version` , `g++ --version`, `make --version`
3. Install 'openjdk'
`apt install default-jdk `
`java --version`, `javac --version`
@reference_3_ digitalocean.com
4. Install 'pip3' and 'virtualenv'
`apt install python3-pip`
`pip3 -V`
`pip3 install virtualenv`
5. Install 'miniconda'
(1) download miniconda
(2) `chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh`
`bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh`
During the installation, choose the desired path to install.
(3) `source ~/.bashrc`
`conda -V`, `conda list`
(4) remove (base) from terminal prompt
check "auto_activate_base":
`conda config --show | grep auto_activate_base`
Set it false:
`conda config --set auto_activate_base False`
6. How to uninstall 'miniconda' ?
(1) In order to uninstall miniconda, simply remove the miniconda folder:
`rm -r ~/miniconda/`
(2) Manually remove contents related to conda in '~/.bashrc'
7. How to completely remove Thunderbird?
`apt-get purge thunderbird* `
Reinstall ubuntu 19.04 dual boot on T470p - Setting (2)
1. Right click on the desktop, in the menu select "Display Settings"
"Display Settings" --> "Resolution" --> "2048 x 1152 (16:9)"
--> "Refresh Rate" --> "119.96Hz"
--> "Scale" --> "100%"
2. Open "Terminal" --> "Preferences" --> "Unnamed" -->
"Initial terminal size" --> "152 x 36"
"Custom font" --> "12"
3. Open "Settings"
(1) "Dock" --> scale dock to a proper size
(2) "Privacy" --> configure privacy setting
(3) "Power" -->
"Blank screen" --> select "Never"
"Automatic suspend" --> "off"
"When the Power Button is pressed" --> "Suspend"
(4) "Details" --> "About" --> modify "Device name" to make it short in terminal
--> "Date & Time" --> set proper date & time format
--> "User" --> select an image for login
--> "Default Application" --> select proper default application
4. Install "tweaks"
`sudo add-apt-repository universe`
`sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool`
Open "tweaks":
(1) "General" --> turn off "Suspend when laptop lid is closed"
(2) "Top Bar" --> Select proper 'clock' and 'calendar' format
(3) "Windows" --> turn on "Center New Windows"
5. Install "VLC media player" from "Ubuntu Software"
(1) click 'loop one sign'
(2) "Tools" --> "Preferences" --> "Interface" -->
"Show media change popup" --> select "Never"
"Continue playback?" --> select "Never"
"Save recently played items" --> "off"
"Allow metedata network access" --> "off"
Open ubuntu system "Settings" -->
"Notifications" --> "VLC media player" --> "off"
6. Playing videos in firefox
If those streaming services use DRM, you must enable DRM in Firefox's settings: "Preferences -> General -> Play DRM-controlled content"
You might also have to install package libavcodec-extra to get the codecs:
`sudo apt install libavcodec-extra`
"Display Settings" --> "Resolution" --> "2048 x 1152 (16:9)"
--> "Refresh Rate" --> "119.96Hz"
--> "Scale" --> "100%"
2. Open "Terminal" --> "Preferences" --> "Unnamed" -->
"Initial terminal size" --> "152 x 36"
"Custom font" --> "12"
3. Open "Settings"
(1) "Dock" --> scale dock to a proper size
(2) "Privacy" --> configure privacy setting
(3) "Power" -->
"Blank screen" --> select "Never"
"Automatic suspend" --> "off"
"When the Power Button is pressed" --> "Suspend"
(4) "Details" --> "About" --> modify "Device name" to make it short in terminal
--> "Date & Time" --> set proper date & time format
--> "User" --> select an image for login
--> "Default Application" --> select proper default application
4. Install "tweaks"
`sudo add-apt-repository universe`
`sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool`
Open "tweaks":
(1) "General" --> turn off "Suspend when laptop lid is closed"
(2) "Top Bar" --> Select proper 'clock' and 'calendar' format
(3) "Windows" --> turn on "Center New Windows"
5. Install "VLC media player" from "Ubuntu Software"
(1) click 'loop one sign'
(2) "Tools" --> "Preferences" --> "Interface" -->
"Show media change popup" --> select "Never"
"Continue playback?" --> select "Never"
"Save recently played items" --> "off"
"Allow metedata network access" --> "off"
Open ubuntu system "Settings" -->
"Notifications" --> "VLC media player" --> "off"
6. Playing videos in firefox
If those streaming services use DRM, you must enable DRM in Firefox's settings: "Preferences -> General -> Play DRM-controlled content"
You might also have to install package libavcodec-extra to get the codecs:
`sudo apt install libavcodec-extra`
Reinstall ubuntu 19.04 dual boot on T470p - Setting (1)
1. Fix Windows and Linux Showing Different Times When Dual Booting
To make linux use Local Time (not UTC time):
`timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock`
To check your current settings, run:
To undo this change:
`timedatectl set-local-rtc 0 --adjust-system-clock`
@reference_1_ howtogeek.com
2. Add a (command) directory to the '$PATH' in Ubuntu
To make linux use Local Time (not UTC time):
`timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock`
To check your current settings, run:
To undo this change:
`timedatectl set-local-rtc 0 --adjust-system-clock`
@reference_1_ howtogeek.com
2. Add a (command) directory to the '$PATH' in Ubuntu
Edit `.bashrc` in your home directory and add the following line:
`export PATH="/path/to/dir:$PATH"`
You will need to source your '.bashrc' or logout/login (or restart the terminal) for the changes to take effect. To source your '.bashrc', simply type
You will need to source your '.bashrc' or logout/login (or restart the terminal) for the changes to take effect. To source your '.bashrc', simply type
`source ~/.bashrc`
Edit: `/etc/proxychains.conf` (`chmod...` etc.)
Note that: there is a DNS issue in "tsocks"
Use the following script to switch ports:
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]
echo "Error: No arguments supplied"
if ! [[ $1 =~ $re ]] ; then
echo "Error: argument '$1' is illegal!"
else sudo sed -i -r 's/( )([0-9]{4})/\1'"$1"'/g' /etc/proxychains.conf
4. Add “New Document” back to the right-click menu
`touch ~/Templates/"Untitled Document"`
5. How to auto-mount windows 10 ntfs partition in dual-boot ubuntu system ?
"Activities" --> search "Disks" --> select the partition to auto-mount -->
click [gears icon] (Additional partition options) -->
click "Edit Mount Options..." -->
turn off "User Session Defaults" -->
set "Mount Point" to `/media/xxxxx/D Volume` (or other pathes) -->
click "OK" --> reboot system to check
socks5 1080`Note that: there is a DNS issue in "tsocks"
Use the following script to switch ports:
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]
echo "Error: No arguments supplied"
if ! [[ $1 =~ $re ]] ; then
echo "Error: argument '$1' is illegal!"
else sudo sed -i -r 's/( )([0-9]{4})/\1'"$1"'/g' /etc/proxychains.conf
4. Add “New Document” back to the right-click menu
`touch ~/Templates/"Untitled Document"`
5. How to auto-mount windows 10 ntfs partition in dual-boot ubuntu system ?
"Activities" --> search "Disks" --> select the partition to auto-mount -->
click [gears icon] (Additional partition options) -->
click "Edit Mount Options..." -->
turn off "User Session Defaults" -->
set "Mount Point" to `/media/xxxxx/D Volume` (or other pathes) -->
click "OK" --> reboot system to check
Reinstall ubuntu 19.04 dual boot on T470p - system installation
1. Using "Rufus" to create a bootable USB flash drive (keep default configuration). Disable Secure Boot and Fast Boot options from UEFI settings (if supported).
2. Delete ubuntu partitions in winfdows 10 or delete it during the installation process. (or shrink windows 10 disk to create "free partition" for ubuntu installation if ubuntu dual boot hasn't been installed before)
3. Select "Something else"
4. create "root partition", "home partition" and "swap partition"
5. From the Device for boot loader installation, select the Windows Boot Manager.
2. Delete ubuntu partitions in winfdows 10 or delete it during the installation process. (or shrink windows 10 disk to create "free partition" for ubuntu installation if ubuntu dual boot hasn't been installed before)
3. Select "Something else"
4. create "root partition", "home partition" and "swap partition"
root partition
home partition
swap partition
(Note that the size of swap partition being too small may slow down 'vmware' unless you select "Fit all virtual machine memory into reserved host RAM")
5. From the Device for boot loader installation, select the Windows Boot Manager.
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